Fossil Bite Marks Show Some Dinosaurs Ate Their Own

Many dinosaurs gathered together in a scene showing predators, prey and scavengers

Some 152 million years ago, the Mygatt-Moore Quarry that now sits in present day western Colorado was as good a place to die as any for a dinosaur. Whether the creatures whose remains litter the site were killed by predators or died of old age or sickness is unclear, but we now know that many of the dinos that breathed their last breath at Mygatt-Moore were eaten. Some were likely even cannibalized.

“It would take a while for these things to be buried,” said Stephanie Drumheller-Horton, a paleontologist at the University of Tennessee, in Knoxville. “There were an awful lot of jokes about what this place smelled like.”

Read more at Inside Science.

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